4 Top Ways of Modifying Your Vehicle’s Performance

Many vehicle enthusiasts regard their vehicle as their most priced asset for many reasons. Some invest plenty of time into consistently ensuring their car is in a great condition, and thousands of pounds into modifying it. For the fanatics out there, the standard vehicle that is produced on the assembly line simply does not fulfil their performance expectations.

With many vehicles, the expression ‘what you put in is what you get out’ is always true. Indeed, if you want your vehicle to produce more output you have to go the extra mile and implement some mechanical gadgets that get you beyond the standard assembly line. Below are some top suggestions that you should consider when modifying your engine to boost vehicle performance.


The air intake capabilities of a vehicle’s engine largely affect the overall output in performance. Expert modifiers suggest fitting in a supercharger, which is a component that pressurises the air being supplied to the engine. This forces an airflow increase into the engine and therefore there is more air in the engine to combine with fuel during combustion thereby generating more power.

Air Filtration

This product compliments the supercharger as they work hand in hand. The presence of the air filtration system is to ensure that all the contaminants present in the air that is combined with the fuel are eradicated. Purer air promotes efficient combustion and protects the engine from impurities that could lead to malfunctions in the long term.

Weight Adjustment

In previous blog, we at Just Performance briefly discussed how weight can affect performance. It is a known fact of physics that lightweight objects travel faster than heavyweight object – and this remains true when used in the context of cars. Maybe replace the heavier steel parts with aluminium-based metal. Accessories like roof racks, heavy headlights and alloys could be replaced with lighter options.

Exhaust Modification

Your exhaust system could be one of the reasons your vehicle is not performing up to the desired standard. Many exhaust pipes on the typical vehicle will have bends in them as they run along the bottom of the vehicle, thus restricting airflow. However, straightening the exhaust pipes from the catalysts to the back of the exhaust means airflow is fluent, allowing increased vehicle performance.

There are many other ways of modifying your vehicles performance that have not been mentioned in this list. If you are interested and require more information about performance modification, please contact us at Just Performance on 05603681824. We are a company providing different vehicle modification parts ranging from the modern performance exhaust to the highly efficient wavetrac differential. Our highly passionate experts will be able to offer you all the assistance you need.

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